
CA. Nihar N. Jambusaria, Chairman, XBRL India

CA. Nihar N Jambusaria has been elected as the new President of the ICAI for 2021-22. CA. Jambusaria, qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1984 and was in practice for nearly 27 years. He has also served as Chairman of WIRC of ICAI in 2004-05.

As President ICAI, CA. Jambusaria is now Chairman of all Standing Committees i.e. Executive, Finance and Examination Committees. CA. Jambusaria is Director of ICAI Registered Valuers Organisation (RVO) and also the representative from ICAI RVO on the “Committee to advise on Valuation matters” of MCA. CA. Jambusaria is Chairman of the ICAI Research wing, ICAI – Accounting Research Foundation and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) India.

CA. Jambusaria is the member of Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Advisory Group of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). He, in his capacity as President ICAI is representing on International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Board of South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA). He has also served as Member of SAFA Committee on Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB).

CA. Jambusaria is member of Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board (GASAB) and Audit Advisory Board- both constituted by the C&AG of India. He is also Board Member of Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDA), Insurance Advisory Committee and Apex Committee of IRDA, and Member of SEBI’s Primary Market Advisory Committee. He is the Chairman of Accounting and Finance Services Sectional Committee of BIS. He has also been nominated on the Review Committee for the B.Com (Hons) and B.Com New Syllabus by the University Grants Commission(UGC).

CA.Jambusaria was the Chairmen of – Ind AS Implementation Committee, International Tax Committee and various other important Committees/ Board of ICAI.

CA. Jambusaria has attended and contributed to national and international seminars and addressed more than 900 seminars /conferences so far.